Thursday, June 24, 2010

35,000 Palestinians Under Threat of Forcible Transfer to Gaza - Hamoked

Dear Colleagues,

HaMoked has received a response to its petition under the Freedom of Information Act for figures of Palestinians forcibly transferred to Gaza on the basis of their registered address, and those who may be considered at high risk for forcible transfer under the new orders. The full translated document is attached, but in short, it shows that nearly 35,000 individuals must be viewed as being at high risk:
7919 residents of the Gaza Strip entered the West Bank under "Safe Passage" and remain in the West Bank to date.

23,348 Palestinians from Gaza traveled to the West Bank from 2001 through April, 2010, using individual entry permits and "permits of stay" and remain there. Prior to the end of the year 2000, the number is 935.

Additionally, there are 2,479 Palestinians who were born in the West Bank but who have registered addresses in Gaza, usually because one or more of their parents have registered addresses in Gaza.

This brings the total number of individuals who must be considered at risk for forcible transfer to Gaza to 34,681.

As political focus in recent days remains on changes to the movement of goods, it is critical to remember the broader policy of the siege on Gaza, which includes restrictions on freedom of movement and the isolation of Gaza from the West Bank, and the human element of the siege, apart from the growing humanitarian crisis on the ground. Along these lines, the military orders on infiltrators exist as a tool to aid in the implementation of this policy by forcibly transferring Palestinians to Gaza on the basis of their registered address. In this sense, although the flow of goods may have been eased, Gaza's population of 1.5 million is still held captive, and the human face of the siege may be lost in the political rhetoric.

I must emphasize again that, regardless of how the bodies of state promise to implement the orders, as long as they remain in force, these 35,000 Palestinians must live under the threat that their lives and livelihoods may be uprooted at any moment. This situation is truly unacceptable, and I urge you to use all channels available to you to call for the orders' revocation. It is clear from the state's many responses that it does not intend to make any substantive changes, and that it will not do so without significant external pressure.

Also, please find attached HaMoked's response to the State regarding the military orders, sent in reply to the letter I passed along to you in my last update.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Sharon Rose Goldberg
Development Coordinator
Hamoked: Center for Defence of the Individual
4 Abu Obeidah St., 97200, Jerusalem
Tel: 972.2.627.1698; Fax: 972.2.627.6317
Mobile: 972.52.7315127

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