Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Stop Immediately the Expulsion of Palestinians from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip" - Hamoked

Today, 25.5.10, Hamoked – Center for the Defence of the Individual served a petition to the HCJ, along with 15 other Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations, regarding the practice of expulsion of Palestinians from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip solely on the basis of their registered address.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Camped Out in Erez Crossing - Gaza Gateway

The eleven-day protest of Ahmed Sabeh, released from an Israeli prison on Wednesday, April 21, 2010, and taken to the Gaza Strip – even though his home, wife and son are in Tulkarem – raises an interesting challenge to Israel’s control over the borders and population registry of the occupied Palestinian territory. Mr. Sabeh has camped out inside the Erez Crossing, refusing to enter Gaza, in protest of Israel’s refusal to allow him to return to his home in the West Bank. The Hamas government, in turn, has announce that it will not allow him back into Gaza, in order to avoid facilitating the Israeli policy of removing Palestinians from the West Bank.