Friday, July 30, 2010

Israel Under Review by UN Human Rights Committee

Here's a quote regarding Military Order 1650 from the Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee, which convened in Geneva two weeks ago for the third periodic review of Israel's compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

“The State party should carry out a thorough review of the status of all long-term residents in the West Bank and ensure that they are issued a valid permit and registered in the population registers. The State party should refrain from expelling long-term residents of the West Bank to the Gaza Strip based on their former addresses in the Gaza Strip. In light of the State party’s obligations under article 7, the Committee recommends that the State party review military orders No. 1649 and 1650 to ensure that any person subject to a deportation order is heard and may appeal the order to an independent, judicial authority.”

For the full report, click on "read more."

Monday, July 19, 2010

Amira Hass: The Brain Tumor Method of Leaving Gaza

"...About 35,000 Palestinian are candidates for expulsion from their homes, according to the amendment to the order on infiltration that went into effect in April of this year. These are Palestinians who are living in constant fear, people who restrict their movements ahead to time to avoid being caught by an alert soldier who will discover their criminal offense: having the wrong address."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Military Orders Facilitating the Deportation of Gazans From West Bank and East Jerusalem - Al-Haq

Al-Haq's second Alternative Report addresses Israeli's violations of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights with respect to freedom of movement within the occupied Palestinian territory, including Military Orders 1649 and 1650:

"These military orders dramatically broaden the existing definition of infiltration in the occupied West Bank, criminalizing and subjecting to deportation any person present in the area who does not hold a permit issued by the Commander of the IDF. If implemented, these orders would facilitate the mass deportation or transfer of Palestinians and other protected persons from the West Bank, in clear violation of international law."

Read the full report here.
Read the report's section on Military Orders 1649 and 1650 here.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Military orders 1649 and 1650 Updated and Overview - Hamoked

Order 1650 presents a blank check for the military to use to deport or forcibly transfer from the west bank anyone they see fit, in accordance with changing policies and political situations. As such, the order must be viewed as illegal, regardless of how it is being implemented now, with heavy international spotlight currently placed on the issue.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"تعديلات الأوامر العسكريّة بما يتعلّق في "منع التسلل" - Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center

على مدار السنوات الأخيرة، أصدر القائد العسكري عشرات أوامر الاحتجاز والإبعاد ضد مقيمين في الضفّة الغربيّة، استناداً على الأمر العسكري لمنع التسلل 239 لسنة 1969، والذي تمّ إصداره في حينه لإحداث آليّة قانونيّة تَحِدّ من "ظاهرة التسلل إلى الضفّة الغربيّة" (حسب التفسيرات الإسرائيليّة)، المفاهيم من الدول العربيّة المجاورة.

وقد تم استخدام هذا الأمر منذ تاريخ إصداره حتى تسعينيّات القرن الماضي، بحيث لم يتم تفعيل هذه الآليّة في السنوات الأولى بعد توقيع الاتفاقيّات المرحليّة، وإنما تمّ تفعيله في بداية سنوات الألفين، وبالأخص بعد تجديد معاملات لمّ الشمل وتحوّل الوضعيّة القانونيّة لعشرات الآلاف من مُرشحي الحصول على إقامة في مناطق السلطة الفلسطينيّة، إثر تقديم معاملات لم شمل لمُقيمين "غير قانونيين"، وحيث أنّ عدد كبير من مقدمي طلبات لمّ الشمل كانوا من أصل أردني، وأصبح هؤلاء مُهددين بالاحتجاز والطرد وفقاً لأمر منع السلل. فتعريف المتسلل وفقاً للأمر الأصلي كان على النحو التالي: هو كل شخص يدخل إلى المنطقة عن سابق قصد، وبشكل غير قانوني، بعد أن كان متواجداً الضفة شرقيّة لنهر الأردن، أو سوريا أو لبنان أو مصر.